Danna’s story.

I came to Nashville five years ago to enter a long-term treatment center for women and children. I'm a single mother to my daughter Matelyn, and she is currently five but acts like she's going on fifteen! Coming to a city where you really don't know anybody and starting over can be very hard. I felt lonely, had no family support, and felt isolated. A friend and neighbor of mine had started talking about going to a place for moms and children called the Dream Center. She told me about all these activities they were a part of when they were there, and it sounded so fun. At the time, I worked weekends and couldn't make it work with my schedule.

A few months later, I was at a point where I desperately needed more community in my life, so I took time off and showed up at the Dream Center one Sunday. That was a year ago, and I don't think I've missed a Sunday once. The staff and the moms in the (now) Dream Streets Moms group make you feel like family. Dream Streets is more than a place; it's a second home. There is no judgment there at all. You can be honest about how you actually are and express whatever is on your mind knowing that it will be met with kindness, grace, and love. The staff and volunteers always do little things to encourage the other moms and me and make us feel seen. 

I also can't say enough about how much they love my daughter and one of her best friends, that usually comes with us. They call Dream Streets the "fun center" and count the days to Sundays weekly. I'm so glad I found Dream Streets and am very grateful for the family it's given me. They provide amazing support, connect me with resources to help me achieve my goals, and, most importantly, love my children and me well.

In March 2022, Danna enrolled in our Dream Housing Grant Program. She was paired with Lynn Smith, a realtor with Pilkerton realty. Lynn was a fantastic mentor, and with Danna's hard work, she was approved for a loan within three months of the year-long commitment! 

She purchased a new build and will move in May 2023. 


Lynn, Danna’s mentors story:

When I met Danna Riggins last year at the start of the first Dream Housing Grant cycle, she opened up quickly to me. She shared about her past, her spunky daughter, and her dreams for the future. She told me home-ownership was a dream of hers, but she wasn’t sure when it would be possible. Five years earlier, Danna was pregnant with Maddie, and in recovery for addiction - owning a home was far from her mind. But she was determined to get healthy and stay healthy to be the best mom for her daughter. I knew during that first conversation she was both tenacious and patient enough to make her dreams happen. 

One of our early meetings was to go over her monthly income and spending to work on a plan. The ultimate idea is for program participants to have ownership of their finances so they can achieve short and long term goals. Sitting on the couch in West Nashville that day, I looked at Danna and told her that she could be a homeowner, and probably sooner than she expected! She had already laid the groundwork for success, so participating in the Dream Housing Grant program gave her the additional support she needed to make it happen. 

I’m excited to say that over the past few months Danna and I have had many conversations and emails with a builder and lender as she prepares to close on her home! Last summer we found a builder who was focused on building affordable options for people just like Danna, looking for safe and affordable homes. Because of her financial planning, Danna was able to take advantage of that opportunity and secure one of the townhomes for her and Maddie. Their closing in May will be a dream come true - and the first home closing for a Dream Housing Grant participant! 

Throughout the first cycle, and now in the new cycle, one thing stands out to me. The Dream Housing Grant program provides an incredible framework of support and accountability. The participants are empowered to choose which tools work for them, and how they will use them. Danna had already done so much for herself and Maddie, but through one-on-one mentorship and group classes she gained more confidence to achieve her goals. 

-Lynn Smith (Danna’s mentor and a Housing Grant mentor for the past 2 cohorts.)


Nikki’s story.


Deidre’s story.